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  • 05Nov

    World and European champion Werner Schlager showed the construction site of his future academy to ITTF President Adham Sharara and his team.

    The Werner Schlager Academy in Wien-Schwechat will open in 2010 with building costs of 46.2 million Euros (US$68.4 million).

    Delegation from Linz to Schwechat
    Adham Sharara, President of the International Table Tennis Federation, was happy with the World Team Cup in Linz, Austria. The Canadian praised the event. In particular Sharara liked the fact 1,800 spectators were in the venue on the final day of competition even though the host association Austria was not on duty.

    Once in Austria, an ITTF delegation with President Sharara, Judit Farago, Jordi Serra, Anders Thunström, Steve Dainton and Karl Jindrak used the opportunity to visit the construction site of the Werner Schlager Academy (WSA), being finalised in summer 2010. Beside the fact that the ITTF intends to stage several tournaments, courses and seminars, the world’s governing body for table tennis will also open its Europe office in the municipality six kilometres from Wien in the city of Schwechat.

    Two in One
    Werner Schlager himself guided the delegation through the site and showed them the WSA practice venue (suitable for about 30 tables) as well as the big multi-purpose arena, dedicated for big events like the Pro Tour, the World Cup and European Championships.

    In addition, Schlager showed them the premises that will be used by the ITTF from 2010 onwards. Sharara saw also the future restaurant, the players lounge, the fitness zone and the rooms for the medical team that will be available around the clock.

    Ideal Dimensions
    Sharara was deeply impressed of the possibilities and the dimension unique for table tennis. “I have known the Werner Schlager Academy so far only based on construction plans”, Sharara said. “In reality all this looks more extensive and bigger. To this project I must congratulate everybody involved.

    The ITTF President said that the complex is ideal for competitions. “These are optimal dimensions for table tennis and the fact that both halls are next to each other is great.”

    As a matter of fact, the WSA is a huge project and Werner Schlager will have the ultimate responsibility for everything concerning sport. The construction costs account for 46.2 million Euros (US$68.4 million) and close to the complex there is accommodation for the sportsmen about to be constructed.

    Who will Follow Amizic?
    Another plus is the staff, consisting of almost 30 specialists. In Schwechat Werner Schlager will cooperate with star coach Mario Amizic, who already signed a contract with the WSA. The rest of the team will be announced by Schlager within the next month but most of them are already in place.

    The ITTF delegation is attentive during the guided tour.
    Photo by Agentur Diener

    Source ittf.com

    Posted by ttfan @ 11:30 am


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