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  • 23Jan

    Response To Sport England's Announcement On The Future Of Table Tennis Funding

    The English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) has been awarded a new tranche of funding by Sport England after it demonstrated that it had started the process of modernisation and change which was required.

    A year ago the funding body withheld a significant amount of funds from the sport and only guaranteed a year - rather than four years - finance.  The ETTA was one of only six sports who were effectively put on notice by Sport England to reform itself before further funds would be allocated to the sport.

    ETTA’s new Chairman, Andy Seward, spearheaded the process of change by recruiting a new team and putting in place the foundations to create a table tennis national governing body, which was fit for the 21st century.

    Today (January 23, 2014), table tennis and the ETTA received a vote of confidence from Sport England that it was back on the right track, as they announced future funding plans for the sport. This brings the security of a combination of three years funding for core costs and one  year further investment in development and talent  programmes, with the prospect of further funding if this progress continued. 

    ETTA’s CEO, Sara Sutcliffe welcomed the decision. She said: “This announcement  gives us the security of being able to focus on longer term planning and not lurch from year to year in a financial vacuum.  

    “The past six months have been a  major  - and necessary - journey for the sport of table tennis. We reviewed every aspect of the way the sport was managed and operated. We knew that the future of table tennis in England depended on us getting it right - and getting it right first time.

    “This  announcement is a vote of confidence that we are on the right track. However,  it is the start of a journey, not the end of it. Now we have some security to plan for the future and a clear mandate that we are on the right road.

    ” A tremendous amount of work and commitment from our staff, volunteers and Board members has taken place in the past six months. The foundation is in place for us to develop our sport at every level..from our top international players to our social players. “

    The announcement was also tinged with sadness. The ETTA’s  Chairman, Andy Seward, died suddenly  last week.  Sara paid tribute to his contribution. She added: “We all feel tremendous sadness that Andy is not here today to see the result of his considerable efforts.

    ” He had the vision for a new way of managing table tennis in England and did not shy away from making tough decisions for the good of the sport. Only a month ago,  we made our presentation to Sport England, and at that time, Andy felt positive and excited about the future for table tennis.  He knew when he took over the role, that there were targets  and he wanted not just to hit them  but to surpass them. Today  is the evidence that he achieved that.

    “Our job is now to continue to build on those plans and to continue to move table tennis forward.”

    Editors Notes

    1. Details of the Sport England funding announcement are available here:

    2.  Andy Seward died on January 15, 2014. Details of his obituary are here:

    English Table Tennis Association

    The English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) is the governing body of table tennis in England, responsible for representing, coordinating, administering, regulating, promoting, marketing and developing the sport. Some 2.4 million people play table tennis within the UK (British Market Research Bureau).

    Virtual Press Office

    The ETTA Virtual Press Office is an online resource for members of the press to access assets and information to aid the journalistic process.

    Additional Information

    For any further information please contact:

    Susie Hughes, Vice Chairman of Communications
    Email: shughes@etta.co.uk
    Mobile: 07703486276


    Posted by ttfan @ 8:23 pm

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